
Not Polly

Last night I got together with Tully. She is one of my oldest best friends. We were friends back when we couldn't decide if we were going to marry Joey McIntyre or Jordan Knight. We would go on endless walks night after night in our microscopic town during junior high because there was nothing else to do. We would talk on the phone almost nightly after spending all day at school together. I read her quizzes out of 'YM' magazine and we passed notes to each other in the hall until graduation. We rose hell in high school- but not enough to ever get caught or in trouble. We have ALWAYS been friends.

Obviously, Tully is one of my favorite people. She has consistently read Ya Wanna, and has decided to start her own blog-goodness. Introducing... a near future must read...

Not Polly

Since we were kids, people have mispronounced her name. Usually as 'Tellie'. Or Kelly, Holly or Polly. Hence the name. Go, Tul.