
Call off the bloodhounds

No-- I have not left the country. I have also not died, gone into a coma or been committed.

I have been busy. Super busy. Too busy to blog you say?

Here's the thing-- I think that most people blog at work, with an occasional entry from home... (I wonder if some bloggers EVER work. But that's another subject.) Here's a sample of what my work has been like for the past 72 hours:

Big Guy at Company: Jazlyn, I would like you to ignore everything I've ever said about this project we've been working on for 10 months and read my mind about how I'd really like it-- by 1:00.

Me: So, same drill as yesterday?

BGaC: Exaaaactly...

I have been frazzled, hassled and just a bitch to be around. It may be the work of 3 people I am doing- just a guess. It's been at the point where I come home and just say-- Bleh. So I have not blogged recently. I think I'm back.