
Donkeys yay

My boyfriend Jesse wonders 'how did I become SUCH a die-hard Democrat??!? To attempt to solve this mystery, here's some evidence from the last month alone.

Exhibit #1: A pile of letters from my father- sometimes just clippings/articles with a small note. All of the articles are muy muy liberal.

Exhibit #2: An example from this pile: a letter from my father with an article included. The article is titled: "Not even a Hedgehog: the Stupidity of Ronald Reagan". You can imagine it is not saying very nice things about "THE COMMUNICATOR".

Exhibit #3: (and the most telling) A handwritten note on the side of this article saying (and I quote): "The Republicans would have us believe that RR was the 2nd coming of Abe Lincoln. Actually, he was very much against minorities and labor unions!"

Um. How can I fight THAT??

But alas. I really like my boyfriend. I think I will turn Daddy down a notch and try not to hate the Dub so desperately. I don't think of it as selling out- but as trying out a new outlook with my approach...

What do you think? Do I need to be more understanding of "the other side" to keep the peace?