

Tuesday is Chooseday. This is found each Tuesday over at TJ's.  

tuesday is chooseday 

Today's questions are pulled from the book that started the whole concept of tuesday is chooseday. It's called zobmondo. And now, there's even a zobmondo board game. Breaks the ice at parties...

    Would you rather:

1.     run a mile with a cracked shinbone OR do 50 situps with a cracked tailbone?

--I'm thinking sit-ups. I wouldn't want to run a mile with fully functioning bones! And I suppose it would be easier to do things-- like take breaks and whine...

2.     be stuck beside somebody with horrible body odor on a crowded subway car for 10 stops OR against someone with an obvious erection on a long elevator ride?

--No erections please. BO is pretty nasty, but-- it's not an erection.

3.     feed your children by regurgitation OR have to lick them to bathe them?

--Tough one... but I gotta choose the regurgitation! Ew. But can you imagine LICKING someone to clean them? I don't care WHO it is.

4.     while still living, get a glimpse of heaven OR hell?

--Hell. Then I'll know what I'm trying to avoid. The ULTIMATE motivator.