
I need a plumr

I am usually grossed out with a super dirty bathroom/shower/toilet/etc. But I'm no maniac. I clean my bathroom about every weekend. And I let my boyfriend clean around the toilet- HE'S the one that misses, after all.

The bathroom is usually quite presentable when guests drop in, or my parents stop by-- not that my dad would care. He would stop by my apartment on Sunday mornings when I was in college. Many times, we had just thrown a party the night before. He was welcomed by plastic cups in the yard/hallway/living room, cardboard taped to the floor to protect the carpet (classy) and a hung-over daughter. I won't mention the state of the bathroom or where puke ended up.

Some of my roommates said they would 'die!' if their parents saw our place like that. I didn't care because I knew my dad didn't. I think he was somehow proud of the mess. It proved that we were 'normal' college girls that had enough friends to make that kind of mess. My dad's kinda strange.

Anyway, my shower/tub has been disgusting lately. I have a lot of hair. Long, thick and dark. (Ya know- because dark hair clogs more than light hair.) I have been known to clog a few drains in my day. You ignore it for awhile, until you don't know if you are taking a shower or a bath... Meanwhile, you step out of your shower/bath and the water slllooooooowly drains away. Leaving soap, and dirt and grime. Then the college flashbacks begin.

I finally had to stop the madness. I stood in Target for many minutes...

Liquid Plumr? or Drano?

Liquid Plumr? or Drano?

I finally eliminated Liquid Plumr because I think the spelling of it is dumb, and bought the Drano Gel. Worked like a CHARM. I now have a free flowing drain and an almost grimeless tub... I think the boyfriend will clean up this too...


One indication that you're busy at work, is that you just carry around a tissue, in hopes of finding a 30-second period of time where you can be alone to blow your nose. I hate blowing my nose in front of people.


Tires and plugs

I put two new tires on my car last night. I hate to say it- but I bought them at the evil empire called Wal-Mart-- I had to because they were so cheap!!! (Price- not quality, I am hoping.)

My drive to work today was glorious. I no longer had visions of my tire exploding and sending me under the nearest semi. I no longer felt like I was going to vibrate off of the road if I didn't hold on to the steering wheel. The tires make me happy.

In other news, the cute-cute pregnant girl that sits right outside my cube just whispered to me: 'shhh- don't tell anyone- but I think I just lost my mucus plug...'

EEwwww and YAaaay!


Genuinely entertained

Great idea, Genuine!

Here are the results to my (apparently female-themed) walkabout:

The Mommy Blog

She linked to:

Woman Child

Then it was on to:

Babelicious Sonatas



Finally to:


Cheesedip was probably my favorite find- so, thanks for the exercise! I may have found some new reads. Go to Genuine to see what I'm up to...

Held at cat-point

When leaving my apartment, you walk out into an enclosed squarish room/hallway/thingy. All apartments and 2 stairwells have doors into this non-hallway.

Several of my neighbors have cats and it is not a concern when the cats bolt out of a door because- where are they gonna go?

You with me?

So it was not strange this weekend when I heard many meows coming from just outside my door. It WAS strange that I heard it for HOURS.

I finally took pity on the poor soul and went out my door to visit Mr. Abandoned.

He was a huge cat with a small head- soft and VERY friendly. I sat up against my door and just gave him some love for a couple of minutes. All was going well until he turned into Mr. Psycho. Aggressive- not breaking skin, but biting me hard enough that it hurt. And batting me hard with his paws.

Okay. Thanks but no thanks. I can see why you are out here.

It was all I could do to get BACK into my apartment without him bolting IN. I postponed taking out the garbage and doing other errands just so I could avoid the situation. I felt like a hostage! Finally, I peeked out of the peephole to see a cat-less room. I don't know if the owner took him back in, or if he escaped to the stairs-- but episodes like this will keep me cat-free for a long while.


I heart Maroon 5

But here's the thing. I loved them 2 YEARS ago. Well, almost two years ago.

I came home from Australia in July of 2002 and was introduced to a little song called 'She will be loved' by a group NO ONE had heard of. I treasured this little song. I called it my very own. I made my little brother download the entire album for me.

Well.... the jig is up. Other people finally found them. And when they started playing 'Harder to Breathe' and 'This Love' I was like, "THAT'S NOT EVEN THEIR BEST SONG..."

Now- it's finally out. My song has been stolen.

UPDATE: For Gary. Go to this site to check them out.


Um... 2?

I am very dream-prone. I just took a 15 minute nap out in my car and I was just dreamin' away. I can usually remember them- and I can even manipulate them if I don't really like the person chasing me with the machete.

Of all the dreams I've ever had- one- was bar-none my favorite.

I was in an airport, see? It was one of those airports that momentarily turns into a house- but it was mostly an airport. I walked out to the backyard/runway (looked like a big backyard) and did not see any planes.

I asked someone that worked there- "What are we flying in?"

This person pointed- and I looked- at a mechanical looking DOG slowly creeping across the (yard).

I said- "We're flying in THAT?!?"

The person said slowly, "Yep. How many people do you think can fit in there?"

As I shook my head in disbelief, I shrugged- feeling very unconvinced- and said, "I don't know...... Two?"

"Nope. Sixteen."

The next thing I know- I am IN THE DOG. The other 15 people and I are sitting on the floor of the 'dog' as we 'travel'. And the dog has windows. And looks like it is made of cardboard.


My favorite part-- Why did I even think TWO could fit in the dog?


The injustice

Is anyone else annoyed about the placement of holidays this year? Is everyone aware that the 4th of July falls on a Saturday- AS DOES Christmas???

This means that poor, cubicle bound, drivels like myself, have been cut out of two paid holidays. All we have left is Labor Day and Thanksgiving.

I think we need to start a petition to have these two days observed. On Mondays. Whenever we want.



I was recently introduced to The Zero Boss. It's a pretty good read. I came across one of his entries about naming kids- and how horrible/cruel/stupid so many names are these days. He linked to this site. Also worth reading when time is in need of wasting.

I have always had an interest in names because mine is pretty unique= Jazlyn. It's unique but not hard to read/pronounce/etc. I always receive compliments on it and am often asked about its origin. It's American. My parents snagged it from some movie credits- not that they remember which movie...

I love my name. I can say that because I didn't pick it. But I always wonder how much of my personality, experiences and opportunities would have been different had I been named Sarah. Or Jessica. Or Helga.

It may sound strange, but I think that your name can affect who you are- or at least your experience in the world. Not that I would be a totally different person had I been named Jenny, but I am certain that I would not get the same reaction from people that I have received for so many years. And I think that reaction has shaped who I am-- at least a little.

I graduated from high school with a girl named Sparkle Champaign Bell. Not kidding. Sparkle was a unique person, so it's easy to remember her- not that the name doesn't help. How could being named Sparkle not affect who you are?


Spicy Doritos are the best.

*licking fingers*

They also give you the worst breath. Good thing I'm about ready to head into Gary's office!!!

HHHHHHhhhhhhhhhi Gary.


Some Bushee humor for a Friday

How many members of the Bush Administration are needed to replace a light bulb?

The Answer is SEVEN:

(1) One to deny that a light bulb needs to be replaced

(2) One to attack and question the patriotism of anyone who has questions about the light bulb

(3) One to blame the previous administration for the need of a new light bulb

(4) One to arrange the invasion of a country rumored to have a secret stockpile of light bulbs

(5) One to get together with Vice President Cheney and figure out how to pay Halliburton Industries one million dollars for a light bulb

(6) One to arrange a photo-op session showing Bush changing the light bulb while dressed in a flight suit and wrapped in an American flag,

(7) and finally one to explain to Bush the difference between screwing a light bulb and screwing the country.


Walking= only 250 calories

I just came across a really cool site.

First- let me tell you about National Geographic I experienced tonight. I recently made it back from my evening walk. Jesse is at his parents, so it was a solo trip.

I was about half a mile from my place when I spotted a cat in a dark driveway. I turned around to look again and it was a big raccoon! I backed away and let him be. My apartment building was around the block, so I walked around- and met the raccoon again. It crossed the sidewalk about 20 feet in front of me, bumbled across the street and hopped up the stairs to the sidewalk next to my building. I followed it- all stealth like- hiding behind bushes and momentarily freezing when he would look back. It was great fun. I hope all my neighbors saw me.

Anyway--- after my walk I hopped on Google and was searching for a site to tell me how many calories I had just burned on my walk. I came across this site. It calculates how many calories you burn doing all sorts of things! My favorites were 'playing piano', 'sitting' and 'billiards'. Although I never saw anything about raccoon spying...


No roots

Q: What do you get when you graduate from college, you are no longer under your parent's dental insurance, and you can't find a job with benefits- for two years?

A: You get 4 cavities. 2 of them requiring root canals.

ROOT CANALS, people. Isn't that a part of every cliche about "I'd rather have a root canal than blah blah blah"?

Well- I had a root canal today. And I think the ol' R.C. has a bad rap. With enough novocaine... you can't feel anything.

Fill in the blank:
I'd rather have a root canal than ______________________ !